
Galeria Absolwentów - projektanci, którzy ukończyli kurs projektowania biżuterii w Wytwórni Antidotum

Kinga Sulej, a graduate of a three-year professional jewellery course at Wytwórnia Antidotum School, started her own Mimikra brand in 2016. The name of the brand refers to the phenomenon of changing the shape of the body in the world of nature in order to become similar, hide, or excite fear. The forms proposed by Kinga are characterized by organic shapes referring to the bodies of insects and marine creatures. Recognizable forms of Mimikra met with the interest of the fashion world, the collection of her jewelry could be seen during the Milan Fashion Week in 2018. Design Mimikry since 2014 is a member of the Polish Association of Goldsmiths and an elite group of artists goldsmiths Klimt02.Her work has won awards and distinctions at Amberif and Gold-Silver-Time. Mimicry projects can also be seen at the Inhorgenta goldsmiths’ fair in Munich.

